Launched in 2022, a platform for the emergence of talent in literature - create by R.A. Howitt.
Vision: a website authors launch, grow and/or develop their careers to a community they're connected to.
Culture: be a member of a community supporting new, aspiring and experienced writers (who aren’t household names yet); see the value in diversity and alternatives to bestsellers; strive to grow relationships with like-minded people.
Values: integrity; engagement; support; curiosity.
You’re invited into the lives of New2theScene authors as they describe their journey to being published, writing routines, hints and tips, passions, and insights into the books you love. Have fun getting to know the person behind the book.
N2tS podcast
Where the books began…
The first series on N2tS, ‘Zero to Published?’ is a set of follow-on blogs, written by a wannabe author (R.A. Howitt) as he journeys through self-doubt, rejection, finding purpose (and maybe recognition?), with the dream of becoming an author. Can he go from zero to published?
As well as arranging short-story competitions, poetry competitions, and publishing books, R.A. Howitt has arranged a charity event for people who want a challenge, but don’t want to walk up mountains.
The 3 peak challenge:
3 opening lines given
3 stories to write
3000 words each
1 day (15 hours)…
Free to enter. All money raised to your chosen charity. Dare you?